Category: Poetry of Grace IV Contemplative Experience

1000 Years of Poetry and the Contemplative Tradition

England 2023: Overview Please join me on this pilgrimage which begins in July 2023. Find all the details at the following link: 1000 Years of Poetry and the Contemplative Tradition England 2023 The adventure begins in London on the site where Chaucer’s pilgrims set out in 1390. Next comes Canterbury, with its Cathedral, St Augustine’s Abbey,…

The Poetry of Grace Contemplative Experience IV: Part 4

In today’s last session we turned first to exploring the ways in which William Blake explores the conditions that create GRACE. In his Songs of Innocence and Experience he has two songs that are about Nurses. In Nurse’s Song in Songs of Innocence he presents  the Nurse in a state in which  “her heart is at…