The Romantics Week 4

Here you will find the lectures in video and audio sections. Enjoy the poems and your time with them! Let me know what is working for you and what is not. This is really important.

Opening part of the lecture for week 4. I begin discussing Wordsworth’s short sonnet “The World is Too Much With Us” on page 358. Read the poem first and then listen. Enjoy!
Audio Section on “Tintern Abbey”- on page 299 of your anthology.
William Wordsworth’s “I wandered lonely as a cloud” compared to Dorothy Wordsworth’s Journal Entry for Thursday April 15th, 1802
William Wordsworth’s “The world is too much with us” and Denise Levertov’s “O Taste and See”
S.T.C Samuel Taylor Coleridge “Frost at Midnight”

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