Category: Nineteenth

The Nineteenth Century- from Romanticism through to Victorianism was full of ideals, visions and experiments for living: enjoy.

Greetings and farewell from A/Prof Michael Griffith (Literature: Strathfield)

I am retiring after 45 years at ACU. While it certainly sounds a long time, I remember vividly my first days on Castle Hill Campus in 1977 and then the flow of new literature students, through Castle Hill, then Mount Saint Mary and occasionally MacKillop. Every year a wonderful crop of new faces, new enthusiasms!…

Best Final Summative Blogs for Nineteenth Century Literature 2022

Hi All, it is with some real joy that I can post up these final blogs from one of my last two classes (the other being The Age of Shakespeare). These summative entries proclaim loud and clear that the experience of blogging as part of literature studies has profoundly enhanced our students’ experience of literature.…

Nineteenth Century Blogs Fourth and Final Topics: Week 10

Please remember that you are permitted to create your own blog topics on subjects related to what we have been studying – if these topics don’t suit! Tolstoy: The Death of Ivan Illych Tolstoy brings us to one of the high points of 19th Century Literature. He explores with such uncompromising depth, issues of profound human…

Blog 3 Topics for Nineteenth Century Literature- due due Friday 29th April: extended to Monday 1st May

Choose any ONE of the following topics: 1/How do the opening paragraphs of Matthew Arnold’s The Study of Poetry present a view that poetry could solve The Condition of England Question? 2/What makes Matthew Arnold’s poem “Dover Beach” such a personal response to the loss of belief in Victorian England? 3/Prepare a digital kit on…

Show and Tell 19th Century Literature Mid-Semester Blogs… See the best here… THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR AMAZING WORK…

Thanks you Ashleigh for telling us how reading the Romantics has actually changed the way you live your life right now: Best blog on our Art Gallery visit. Thank you Tia for discovering an epiphanic moment in front of Eugene Von Guerard’s Fig Tree: How entering the Art Gallery is like entering the gates of…

Grand Finalé for Nineteenth Century ePortfolios for 2021.

Best ePortfolio Summative Entries ENGL200 2021 Andrew Carloss Read Andrew’s  fabulous reflection and powerfully illustrated piece on how we in this digital age need to take on board the insights of the Romantics and the Russians in order to survive as human beings! Read Emilee McNaught’s reflections on how her experience is mirrored in the…

Best Blogs 19th Century Literature 2021- Round 1!

Excellent Peer Reviews: It will be noted that reviews that suggest improvement are well received and have in fact led to improvement in subsequent blogs. Allow some space for your peer to improve- no one’s work is perfect! An excellent peer review, that combines support, insight and gentle recommendations for improvement= thank you Sarah Saud:…

Blog 3 Nineteenth Century Literature Week 8 2021

Victorianism Thomas Carlyle the great Victorian historian, close friend of Charles Dickens wrote these wonderful words which have been carved in stone in the foyer to the Mitchell ( State Library) in Sydney. For those of us studying Romanticism, Charles Dickens and Victorianism, these words have a special resonance. They remind us (in this forgetful digital age) of how important…

The Victorian Age

Today we began exploring the period between 1837 and 1901. This was a time of huge industrial expansion and a widening rift between those who had everything and those who had nothing. This lecture explores the way these concerns was expressed in the literature of the age. Audio Recording: Lecture for Week 8: Audio: NEW…

The Importance of Being E(a)rnest- and Oscar Wilde as a driving force in the Fin de Siécle….

This week we explored the world of Oscar Wilde, especially his trenchant, satiric, criticism of the Victorian Age. We had the great good fortune to watch David Suchet play the role of Lady Bracknell in this play. He transforms Lady Bracknell into the grotesque image of the upper middle class that Oscar Wilde was so…

Some fabulous Blogs coming out of The Clemente Mount Druitt class! Please comment on their blogs!

Hi All, I am just working my way through the blogs produced by our Mount Druitt, Clemente contingent. Many of these students are coming to study for the first time, or are returning to study from many years ago. They will love any comments you will give them, and there are some fabulous entries there.…


Please find the slides for this week posted into Leo Module 9. Here is the audio for this week. This contains vital information for your final assessment!   BLOG TOPICS for WEEK 9: CREATIVE 1. Write a short paragraph describing a family conversation in which it is clear that all parties in the conversation are…

Matthew Arnold’s Scholar Gypsy and the Victorian Context…

Today we explored the wider context of educational ideas in the Victorian era, focussing on John Stuart Mill, Cardinal Newman, Charles Dickens and finally Matthew Arnold. His poem about the student who absconded from Oxford University to find a deeper truth to life’s questions still sits with us today as a powerfully relevant poem. The…

Hard Times Continued…..

We had great fun this morning exploring the way Thomas Gradgrind (Sir!) introduces himself in his own mind to the classroom full of little pitchers. Here he accosts Sissy Jupe for her lack of factual knowledge about horses and praises wonderful Bitzer for his “bitzy” factual knowledge of a horse. Thank you Angelina and Steph…

Nineteenth Century Literature- the Context of the Visual Arts: Enlightenment… Romanticism… Victorianism….

Art Gallery Quiz Questionnaire2019 HI All, we had an amazing experience this Wednesday, exploring the art of the Enlightenment, followed by the art of Romanticism (both in Europe and Australia) and then the art of the Victorian Era. These paintings depict many of the social and historical contexts and obsessions of the late 18th and 19th…

Wordsworth, The Romantics and Withering Frights!

I enjoyed very much this morning talking to you about one of my alltime favourite poems “Resolution and Independence” in which William Wordsworth celebrates the way his experience of life was profoundly challenged by meeting with a really old Leech Gatherer. This man had the “Resolution and Independence” which Wordsworth himself felt lacking in his…

Some Gems from the first crop of blogs

  Here is a beautiful description of a / Coleridgean apprecation of nature in the Australian context: – Thank you Anthony! Here is a companion piece to Anthony’s:   Thank you Julie for sharing your passion for the stillness of the Australian bush! Here is a wonderful account of a Wordsworthian moment in Nepal:…

Nineteenth Century Romantics Week 3!

Today we explored William Wordsworth’s Preface to the Lyrical Ballads. This is an amazingly revolutionary document in the context of its time, daring to acknowledge the worth of ordinary human being and daring to say that the language of the uneducated contains more essential truth than the language of most academics. Powerful stuff! And his friend Coleridge…

Challenges to Utilitarian Education: Matthew Arnold & Cardinal Newman…

This week we explored the ways in which writers and artists in the Victorian Age tried to undermine the prevailing utilitarian views on education. We have seen this presented very strongly in Charles Dickens’ Hard Times with his emphasis on the importance of Wonder and Imagination as counters to a world run on facts. Matthew Arnold…

Unacknowledged Legislators!

Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the World. Shelley was clearly moved to declare that poets had a fundamentally important role in the world, reminding humans about things that really mattered, beyond the entrapments of material possessions. So what was it that Shelley was so deeply drawn towards? If we look at the opening sentences…

Romanticism Week 3

So how have I been responding to all these radical ideas developed during the Romantic period? What has caught my attention as being especially relevant to my own experience and my own period of history? Now is my chance to express something of my reaction to all I have been reading, either in the form…

Best Nineteenth Century Literature ePortfolio/ Blogs

Hi All, the top four ePortfolios were produced by the following students. Click on their name to see their amazing contributions to the topic of how the literature of the Nineteenth Century (Romanticism and Victorianism) still contributes to our lives in the 21st Century. A round of applause for: Felicity McManus Joey O’Reilly Jessica Welford…