Best Nineteenth Century Literature ePortfolio/ Blogs

Hi All,

the top four ePortfolios were produced by the following students. Click on their name to see their amazing contributions to the topic of how the literature of the Nineteenth Century (Romanticism and Victorianism) still contributes to our lives in the 21st Century. A round of applause for:

Felicity McManus

Joey O’Reilly

Jessica Welford

Jamie/ Thanh Minh Quan Vo


These digital artists all recorded beautifully their understanding of the century in word and image in ways that make the period fascinating for a contemporary audience. Well done all.

There are  other highlights from other blogs worth sharing too.

Here was a wonderful attempt to put speech bubbles on that awesome painting by Ford Madox Brown of  Chaucer reading from the Canterbury Tales: Thank you Biancah!

Here was also a wonderful Poetic Dramatithation of the Philithophy of Mr Thleary: thank you Louisa!

Here was a fabulous reflection on why art is also important in studying literature. Thank you Felicity!

Here is our international Italian student (Beatrice) reflecting on why literature is so good for you. Thank you Beatrice!

And here is the best blog on why Jane Austen is still relevant today. Thank you Louisa (again)!

And finally the best blog on the continuing significance of Dickens and Tolstoy to our own times: Thank you Sibel!

Overall a wonderful crop of 19th Century ePortfolio/Blogs. Thank you All for your hard work!!


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